Marco Quattrocchi

The lawyer Marco Quattrocchi, born on 05/07/1993 in Termini Imerese (PA), after graduating in Scientific High School, graduated in Law in 2018 with honors from the University of Siena, discussing an innovative thesis in Private Comparative Law entitled “Punitive damages between evolution in the US system and prospects of transplantation into other legal experiences”. In addition to having a good knowledge of English, he expresses himself without difficulty in German. For seven months he attended the Julius-Maximilian Universität in Würzburg, Germany, taking exams on private international law and also studying various issues concerning German company law. He also obtained the II level University Master in “Protection of Privacy and Data Protection Officer” – “Privacy and Data Protection Officer” at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata.
Giorgio Masina
Giorgio Masina
Gianluca Occhionero
Gianluca Occhionero
Thomas Orest Rüdiger Röth
Thomas Orest Rüdiger Röth